Your Relationship Changes Once You're Engaged.

wedding rings

Firstly, I just want to say I am SO excited for you!

You’ve found the one you want to do life with and your engagement season begins.

What I know to be true is that your engagement is a great time for you, the thoughtful couple to grow individually, strengthen your relationship and prepare for your marriage. 

Many newly engaged couples experience a shift in their emotions to feelings of more intensity, the connection, the possibility and the joy of finding the one you’ve chosen to do life with. 

Here are some ways in which you can see changes in your relationship.

Deeper relationship with your partner

When you get engaged you feel more secure in your relationship, an increased feeling of safety because you made a decision to commit. The commitment shifts the mindset.

Personally I found that I was less emotionally reactive and able to communicate better and more calmly. It’s like there was a shift in mindset that was like “this is for life right, so you better learn how to talk about the things that are important to you.” It’s about a desire to work on the relationship to improve not only communication, but to work as a team and support each other better to get through thick and thin.

Shared Hopes and Dreams 

You’ve entered a new phase of your relationship where you think more seriously about your relationship, your marriage and your life together. Talking about your vision of the future together can naturally happen or can be supported with the help of a relationship coach. In addition, with more realness, more communicating and talking about other areas of life you get a deeper understanding of each other and what’s important. 

Your relationship is strengthened when you are intentional about growing together and can deepen your connection through being more understanding and supportive. 

Planning a wedding together can become a vehicle for growth. 

Truth is we get to see each person's personality and values for better or for worse when planning a wedding. There can be the disputes about what is and isn’t important and the power struggles. However you also get to see the areas that you are aligned on or have similarities. This is an opportunity to see the strengths and growth areas for you, your partner and your relationship. 

You’ll learn how to communicate and compromise on aspects of your wedding, which is a skill needed for the long term in your relationship. Planning your wedding together builds on your emotional safety, improved problem solving and a deeper sense of love and connection. I mean who wouldn’t want that.

I want to remind you, there is no such thing as the perfect relationship. 

How does that make you feel? Less Pressured? Relieved? 

Getting engaged prompts an exciting time of growth and change. You won’t always be in alignment and your engagement season gives you time to work on how you can be better partners for each other. Just a gentle reminder, don’t feel rushed to have everything ‘sorted’ before your wedding day. It’s growth, it’s ongoing.

Enjoy Your Engagement Season

Edna xo


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