What’s Your Personal Wedding Struggle?

Black wedding couple in the desert

A wedding struggle is that thing that you find challenging, leaving you feeling anxious or stressy.

What I've noticed over time is that all couples have their strengths and weaknesses. Your ‘weakness’ is where your struggle sits. 

This can look like not being sure about the business side of wedding planning; the money management, getting and staying organised or difficulty making decisions. These are the couples that I tend to work with and fits right in with my skill base to guide you through a process to help gain clarity with a step by step plan and set you up with the right tools to help.

Other couples can be overly obsessed with every little detail. For others it’s family. Some couples it’s not able to visualise.

This thing that makes wedding planning that little bit harder, is absolutely normal!

Yep! It’s totally normal to have a personal wedding struggle!

You’re doing this wedding planning thing for the first time and it’s always hard when we haven’t done something before. Weddings are always emotional, lots of opinions going around. You have a hard deadline on this too. And you only want to do this one time.

I understand the many issues you struggle with when it comes to wedding planning and the range of emotions you feel because of it. 

How ya feeling now? 

Take a breathe!

artistic wedding cake

What you need to do now is choose to deal with it now rather than later. The longer you leave it the harder it’ll become for you as you move through your wedding planning.

Decision making can be one of the main struggles. So Let’s see what can be done to make this less stressful hey.

So, you’ve asked your questions to your service or product supplier.  Broadly the three key questions are:

  • What will we be getting? 

  • How will the process work?

  • Who do they work best with? What is their style, What type of weddings do they work with? What kinds of couples do they work well with? 

You then want to check in with yourself to understand how you really feel. Here are 3 questions. 

1. Does this make me happy? 

This question is your initial gut check.  When you think about it, does it bring you joy?  Does it make you smile?  

When we listen to our gut and we have a feeling of peace. It’s usually spot on.

Also ask yourself :

  • Was the interaction enjoyable?  Did you feel like they cared about you?  

  • Did you connect well with them – who they are, what they do and what they believe in?  

  • You want to feel happy about the product or service and if you don’t, you need to walk away.

2. Is there anything that concerns me (even if I can’t put it into words)?

Again listen to your gut. If you have a feeling of something being slightly off. Listen to that small voice! 

At least take a pause. That could make all the difference or it could not matter at all.  But, you need to check that nagging feeling before you make a decision.  You are either ok with that slightly off bit, or you’re not.  And if you’re not, you either need to ask more questions so you feel comfortable or you should walk away.

3. Does this fit with what is important to me and what we want?  Is this us?

This is about understanding how this product or service fits with what you care about, what you are trying to create and who you are.  Is this right for your wedding?  

If the answer is yes, then great, but if the answer is no, then you need to consider another option.

Give this a go with making your wedding decisions. Ask the right questions and you’ll confidently make the right decisions.

 If you have other struggles there is a way out. I’m not saying it will be resolved immediately although for some things it can be.  If you’re dealing with an issue with either a family or wedding party member, list out what your concerns are, have a sit down and talk it out and come to some kind of understanding. 

Be open to trying something new. If you need some guidance to help you through or you don’t know what is keeping you stuck. Get some help!

You can get in contact with me and I'll make you feel better.

Happy Planning!

Edna xx


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